Accelerated Learning

Today we decided on writing about a recent post from the Simple Dollar blog (yet again one of our favorite blogs).  The article covers the topic of accelerated learning and provides tips and recommendations on how to best study and retain material.  What better time to feature it now than right before finals come along?
The article comes with many recommendations, one of them is to chunk your studying.  Studies have indicated that often times learning slowly over time can be much more beneficial than trying to pull an allnighter and cram in information.  The example provided is that with only 1 hour of studying time alloted, it can be more beneficial to break this into four 15 minute chunks.
Another recommendation is to truly like what you learn.  It’s strange to think about this, but once you decide to study hard and do well in a subject, often times that mention state carries over into success and ultimately graduation.
And lastly, one of the most important tips is to apply what you learned quickly.  If you’re learning Spanish, why not meet up with a Spanish speaking friend and debate over a couple of points?  The more you emerse yourself in a topic the higher the likelihood of retaining it.
Check out the full post here:

Today we decided on writing about a recent post from the Simple Dollar blog (yet again one of our favorite blogs).  The article covers the topic of accelerated learning and provides tips and recommendations on how to best study and retain material.  What better time to feature it now than right before finals come along?
The article comes with many recommendations, one of them is to chunk your studying.  Studies have indicated that often times learning slowly over time can be much more beneficial than trying to pull an allnighter and cram in information.  The example provided is that with only 1 hour of studying time alloted, it can be more beneficial to break this into four 15 minute chunks.
Another recommendation is to truly like what you learn.  It’s strange to think about this, but once you decide to study hard and do well in a subject, often times that mention state carries over into success and ultimately graduation.
And lastly, one of the most important tips is to apply what you learned quickly.  If you’re learning Spanish, why not meet up with a Spanish speaking friend and debate over a couple of points?  The more you emerse yourself in a topic the higher the likelihood of retaining it.
Check out the full post here

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