Finishing College Strong

Graduation can be all too sudden and unforgiving for those that feel like they didn’t take everything college has to offer. College—the best and wildest four years of your life. It is the right of passage for many young individuals to grow and mature into adulthood, the time to get all of the shenanigans and alcohol out of our system. Now that you’ve completed most of your academic units, here are 8 things you need to complete to finish your college career strong:

1. Undie Run

Here is something crazy you can share with people you meet after college: running through campus and flashing (in your underwear) your favorite professors and administrators.

2.  Model with Something (or someone) everyone will recognize

College can end faster than you’d expect. Make sure to capture some cool pictures for those times you want to look back on college.

3. Sit in On an Interesting Class for a Semester

Heard of a cool professor or class, but don’t have an academic reason to take it? Sit in on a class you find interesting, you’d be surprised how much you can benefit from it.

4. Join an Organization, and Don’t Be Afraid to Leave

Don’t be afraid to reach out to the different clubs and Greek orgs on campus. You’ll meet people from all sorts of different backgrounds. This can help you break out of your shell if you have one. At the same time, don’t be afraid to quit one if it doesn’t seem right for you. Many of these can help you network for your post-graduate career/life.

5. Study Abroad

This is crucial to opening your eyes to a new world. You will gain a new insight on other cultures, new friends, and an album of photos that will leave your friends peanut butter and jealous.

6.Plan a Reunion with Freshman Year Dorm Mates

This is a great idea for you to catch up and reconnect with friends from your freshman year. Comparing how much everyone has grown and reminiscing Freshman year shenanigans is a great way to close out your College chapter in life.

7. Compose a Resume

One of the most important things to do before you enter the real world is to have a resume ready to go. This way, you’ll be ready to look for jobs immediately after graduation. Make sure you grab a nice professional portfolio with your school’s emblem on it at the school store.

8.Take Advantage of Different Living Situations

Not only will this allow you to appreciate what you have, it will teach you to survive with what you don’t have. This can teach you important social skills, such as living/working with others.